Bio of Messianic Rabbi Ed
In April of 1971 Rabbi Ed heard the LORD speak to him audibly at a Kathryn Kuhlman service and received Jesus as Savior. Jesus appeared to Alberta his wife as she was trying to go to sleep one night and eventually she accepted Him while riding a bus home from the U. of M. in Dec. of 1972.
In 1976, God asked Rabbi Ed to assist in beginning the 1st Messianic Congregation in the Twin Cities. It was during that time that he got to know Alberta, and they were married November 26, 1977.
In 1982 God spoke to Rabbi Ed and Alberta to begin the Seed of Abraham Messianic Congregation. Rebbetsen (Rabbi’s wife), Alberta has been by his side assisting every step of the way.
In 1997, Rabbi Ed helped to put on the 1st One New Man citywide celebration of Shavuot (Pentecost) since the Book of Acts and he assisted in starting the biblical feast-honoring ministry called Feasts of the L-RD.
Rabbi Ed has traveled to/and ministered in Israel, Argentina, Russia and the Ukraine. Rebbetsen Alberta has traveled to/and ministered in London, England, Israel & Argentina.
Rabbi Ed has served on the boards of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America, the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations & Synagogues, The Minnesota Prophetic Conference, Good News for Israel, Feasts of the L-RD, Midwest Hebrew Ministries, & Heart of the City. He currently is serving as Adjunct Professor of Messianic Studies at Rose Mullen University, as an Instructor for CLIMB (Christian Leadership Institute of Minnesota & Beyond), sits on the Credentials Committee of the International Ministerial Fellowship, is a Crisis Counselor at Love lines, and he and Rebbetsen Alberta serve on the Seed of Abraham Leadership Council