FGWBI Faculty
Our dedicated professionals, both administrative and faculty, are men and women who truly love the Lord and will teach to each student the principles of time forged dedicated practices of the word and faith in action. Many of our instructors have experiences not only in the teaching field, but also real vintage time in some aspect of real-life ministry, with some being pastors for over 50 years and holding high level degrees.
Dr. Nathaniel J. Mullen Jr – Dean of Academics
Chairperson to all Theology/and Ministry Departments
Pastor Chad Whitely
Department of Internet/Distance Education
Department of Leadership/Theology and Business/Economics
Dr.Daniel E. Cole
B.A. From North Central University, Minneapolis, MN.
M.A. Christian Leadership, Crown College, Saint Bonifacius, MN
ThD. Bible Way Institute International, Stephenville, TX
Biography of Dr. Daniel E. Cole