FGWBI Mission Statement
As the assemblage of Godly men and women serving as the college board of trustees we act as one body unified in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and so establish the mission of Full Gospel Witnesses Bible College as the education of mature, Godly and earnestly motivated students who are seeking to function as knowledgeable professionals within some aspect of a religious organization, church or some form of work on the mission fields, or of service to the body of Christ.
All of our efforts from start to finish of every program and course will be to hold each student to the highest integrity in order to produce in them the spiritual leaders and servants of God, of the highest order of servitude and Godly dedication. The team of professionals that instruct at our institution are themselves carefully selected as those who earnestly strive to exemplify the standards they demand of their students with the intent to provide a kind of personal modeling of committed lives dedicated to not only the teaching and preaching of God’s word, but also to the sincere practice of pious holy living that we hope will also inspire in our students a focused and committed walk of faith.
All services, assistance and other activities of this corporation shall be given or conducted without regard to denomination, race, creed, color or any form of handicap. As a school established in the religious practices of Full Gospel Witnesses Inc., we whole heartedly have set forth to fulfill our commitment to the established vision of imparting sound doctrine through sound religious education and to the support of missions at home and abroad through propagating of the Gospel through the methodologies of our teaching training and modeling of the word and image of Christ.
We are committed to staying in touch with our communities that we serve by working through special programs. These special programs are designed to help everyday people to earn college credit through instructor assisted educational programs; such programs implement hard work that pays off. Our approach is to make higher education not only accessible, but attainable and affordable