Dr. Daniel E. Cole


B.A. From North Central University, Minneapolis, MN.

M.A. Christian Leadership, Crown College, Saint Bonifacius, MN

ThD. Bible Way Institute International, Stephenville, TX

Professional Experience

Dan and Rita Cole entered the full-time ministry in December 1974 at Summit Church in St. Paul, MN. For three years they served in the area Christian Education training a staff of 45 teachers. One of the great joys during this time was serving as bus directors bringing 150-200 children to Sunday School. Following Summit Church, the Coles served as Director of Christian Education at Crystal Assembly of God, First Assembly of God, Bartlesville, OK and Faith Assembly in Phoenix, AZ. In 1982, Dan and Rita accepted the call to pastor the Assembly of God congregation in Thief River Falls, MN. In 1990 they accepted the call to pastor the Assembly of God congregation in Shakopee, MN. They pastored in Shakopee until 1998 at which point God totally changed their ministry and lives. God took them from the pulpit ministry and placed them in their Five-fold Ministry Gift as Teachers. Since that time Pastor Dan has served on the teaching staff of various churches in greater Minneapolis. He has served as an adjunct professor at the Teen Challenge Leadership Institute in Minneapolis. He served as Pastoral Counselor and Bible Teacher at Metro Hope Ministries in Minneapolis. Pastor Dan loves to teach Old Testament Studies.

Personal Data

Dan and Rita were married for 49 years. Following her death in March of 2024, Pastor Dan moved to Zacapa, Guatemala. He lives with his daughter Erin and her husband Javier. They serve as missionaries along with their three children. He also has a son Adam who lives in Minneapolis with his wife Amanda and son Abraham.